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​Let's Talk Shipping

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My number one challenge as a small business is shipping. I know some of you have heard me say that before, but let me give you some real numbers to show you exactly what I mean.

In the month of January, the average amount for me to ship a package was $24.97, and the least expensive package I shipped was $18.96. As you can imagine, at those shipping prices, I had numerous abandoned carts (where people placed items in their shopping cart but did not complete the purchase). In many of those cases, I could see that the cost of the shipping exceeded the cost of the order. No wonder the purchase was not completed.

Keep in mind that the price you see when checking out is already my negotiated rate from UPS, and I do not charge anything for shipping supplies like boxes, tape, etc. I also don't charge any handling fees to account for the hours I spend in my barn packing orders. And despite this, I know that the shipping cost is still often too much. What's a girl to do?

Today I'm going to try something, and if it works, I may implement it as the standard shipping procedure. What is it?


I know that paying $27.92 in shipping for a single $19.95 Angler's Pint is a hard pill to swallow (and thank you to the person who did that in January!). My thought is that if those of you considering a single Angler's Pint increase your order to two Angler's Pints, then I'll ship both glasses for less than the least expensive shipping cost in January. In other words:

All orders over $39.91 will ship for just $15 this week only.

Want to pay even less on shipping?

All orders over $79.80 will ship for just $10, and all orders over $100 will ship for free this week only.

Please keep in mind that I'm doing this as a trial and not as a sale or promotion. The flat rate shipping will automatically be applied to your cart at checkout. If we can increase sales volume to offset shipping costs, then I think it could be a win-win. If it doesn't work, then I'll go back to the drawing board.

SMALL TYPE: This offer is good only for shipping destinations in the Lower 48, and it does not include shipping original artwork (including handpainted glasses).

Holiday 2022 Schedule - When to Order for Christmas Eve Delivery

Holiday 2022 DetailsKaren Talbot ArtLast Day to Order Handpainted Glasses is December 4th. I will have only a limited number in inventory after that. Please contact me at karen@karentalbotart.com to see what’s available.Last Day to order customized gifts is Sunday December 11th to guarantee Christmas delivery (provided UPS does its job!). Customized gifts include framed [...]

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Sand Tiger Shark - Shark Week 2015

This is one of nine blog entries written to coincide with Shark Week 2015. For an overview of the series and links to the other entries, click here.Sand tiger sharks (Carcharias taurus), also called grey nurse sharks, can reach a maximum length of 330 cm but are usually smaller. These coastal sharks are rare in [...]

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Spiny Dogfish - Shark Week 2015

This is one of nine blog entries written to coincide with Shark Week 2015. For an overview of the series and links to the other entries, click here.The spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) is the smallest shark documented in the Gulf of Maine but it is often one of the most controversial. Like several well known Gulf [...]

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Blue Shark - Shark Week 2015

This is one of nine blog entries written to coincide with Shark Week 2015. For an overview of the series and links to the other entries, click here.The blue shark (Prionace glauca), along with the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) is one of the most common sharks observed in the Gulf of Maine. Reaching a maximum size [...]

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Thresher Shark - Shark Week 2015

This is one of nine blog entries written to coincide with Shark Week 2015. For an overview of the series and links to the other entries, click here.You probably know it as the thresher shark, but I bet you didn't know it's scientific name originates from an unlikely terrestrial animal--the fox. Alopias vulpinus comes from the [...]

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Shark Week 2015 - A Scientific Illustrator's Perspective

"[Shark Week] taught us that it wants to be almost like a holiday—which it is for a lot of people. They want to wave little flags that say 'Happy Shark Week.' I always see pictures of all these cupcakes and these party decorations that they have to celebrate Shark Week." -Brooke Runnette, Former Executive Producer [...]

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The Billfish Project Completed

I recently finished two new billfish paintings, and I wanted to share a little bit about the story behind these paintings with you here.The two paintings are scientific illustrations of two billfish species--a white marlin (Kajikia albidus) and a closely related roundscale spearfish (Tetrapturus georgii). Anglers who fish for marlin in the Western Atlantic had [...]

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Scientific Illustrator Karen Talbot's Pecha Kucha Presentation

I had the opportunity in the spring of 2015 to present a Pecha Kucha talk about scientific illustration and my process as a scientific illustrator and fine artist. For those of you who have never attended a Pecha Kucha event, the format is a simple presentation where the presenter shows 20 images, each for 20 seconds. [...]

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